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demonstrated speed

  • 1 minimum demonstrated threshold speed

    Англо-русский словарь промышленной и научной лексики > minimum demonstrated threshold speed

  • 2 скорость

    в механике - одна из основных характеристик движения материальной точки. — rate of motion. speed and velocity are often used interchangeably although some authorities maintain that velocity should be used only for the vector quantity.
    - (вектор) (рис.124) — velocity (vel)
    величина скорости в данном направлении, — а vector quantity equal to speed in a given direction.
    - (темп изменения величины)rate
    - аварийного слива топлива (в воздухе) — fuel dumping /jettison/ rate. jettison rate for all tanks and all boost pumps operating is... kg per minute.
    - аварийного слива топлива (производительность слива) порядка 2000 л/мин — fuel dump rate of 2000 liters per minute
    - азимутальной коррекции (гироскопа)azimuth erection rate
    -, безопасная — safety speed
    - бокового движения (вертолета)sideward flight speed
    - бокового перемещения (скольжения)lateral velocity
    скорость относительно невозмущенного воздуха в направлении поперечной оси. — the velocity relative to the undisturbed air in the direction of the lateral axis.
    -, большая — high speed
    -, большая (стеклоочистителя) — fast rate (fast)
    "- велика" (надпись на указателе отклонения от заданной скорости прибора пкп) — fast
    -, вертикальная — vertical speed
    - вертикальная (для ссос) — descent /sink/ rate
    -, вертикальная (при посадке) — descent velocity

    with а limit descent velocity of... f.p.s. at the design landing weight...
    - ветра (величина)wind speed (ws)
    скорость массы воздуха в горизонтальном направлении. — ws is horizontal velocity of а mass of air.
    - ветра (величина и направление) (рис.124) — wind velocity
    фактическая скорость ветра на высоте 50 фт. по сообщению) диспетчера. зафиксировать скорость и направление ветра. — the actual wind velocity at 50 foot height reported from the tower. record wind velocity and direction.
    - ветра (название шкалы на графике)wind
    - ветра (сообщаемая диспетчерским пунктом или по метеосводке)reported wind (speed)
    - в зависимости от высоты и веса, вертикальная — vertical speed for altitude and weight
    - взлета, безопасная (v2) — takeoff safety speed (v2)
    скорость, достигаемая на первом этапе взлета, и выбираемая таким образом, чтобы обеспечить безопасное получение нормируемых градиентов набора высоты на втором этапе взлета. — the scheduled target speed to be attained at the 35 feet height with one engine inoperative.
    - взлета, минимальная безопасная (v2 min) — minimum takeoff safety speed (v2 min)
    наименьшая допустимая скорость на 1-м этапе взлета.
    - взлета, минимально эволютивная (vmin эв) — air minimum control speed (v мса)
    - в зоне ожиданияholding speed
    - в момент отказа критического двигателя (при взлете)critical engine failure speed (v1)
    - в момент принятия решения (при взлете)decision speed (v1)
    -, воздушная — airspeed
    скорость полета ла относительно воздуха, независимо от пути, пройденного относительно земной поверхности, — the rate of speed at which an aircraft is traveling through the atmosphere (air), and is independent of any distance covered on the surface of the earth.
    - возникновения бафтингаbuffet (onset) speed
    - возникновения бафтинга, предшествующего срыву — pre-stall buffet speed
    - возникновения предупреждающей тряски (vтp)pre-stall warning speed
    скорость, при которой возникают заметные естественные или искусственно созданные признаки близости сваливания.
    - возникновения флаттераflutter (onset) speed
    - восстановления (гироскопа) большаяfast erection rate
    - вращения — rotational speed (n, n)
    оборотов за единицу времени. — revolutions per unit time.
    - вращения земли, угловая — earth('s) angular velocity
    - вращения колеса (напр., при взлете) — tire speed. ; maximum takeoff weight restricted by tire speed
    - в точке принятия решенияdecision speed
    - в точке принятия решения (при отказе критического двигателя)critical engine failure speed
    - встречного ветраheadwind speed
    - встречного ветра (название шкалы на графике)headwind
    - в условиях турбулентностиrough air speed (vra)
    - входа в зону турбулентности, заданная — target (air)speed for turbulent air penetration
    -, выбранная заявителем — speed selected by the applicant
    - выпуска (или уборки) шасси, максимальная — landing gear operating speed (vlo)
    максимальная скорость полета, при которой разрешается выпускать или убирать шасси. — maximum speed at which it is safe to extend or retract the landing gear.
    - выхода (гидросамолета, са молета-амфибии) на редан — hump speed. the speed at which the water resistance of a seaplane or amphibian is hignest.
    - газового потока (через двиг.) — gas flow velocity
    - герметизации кабиныcabin pressurization rate
    -, гиперзвуковая — hypersonic speed
    скорости от м-5 и выше. — pertaining to speeds of mach 5 or greater.
    - горизонтального полета — level flight speed, speed in level flight
    - горизонтального полета на максимальном продолжительном режиме (двиг.), максимальная — maximum speed in level flight with maximum continuous power
    - горизонтального полета на расчетном режиме работы двигателей, максимальная — maximum speed in level flight with rated rpm and power
    - движения назад (вертолета)rearward (flight) speed
    -, демонстрационная — demonstrated speed
    - дисс (доплеровского измерителя скорости и сноса)doppler velocity
    - для определения характеристик устойчивости, максимальная — maximum speed for stability characteristic (vfc)
    - горизонтального полета на режиме максимальной продолжительной мощности (тяги) — maximum speed in level flight with maximum continuous power (or thrust) (vh)
    -, дозвуковая — subsonic speed
    -, докритическая — pre-stall speed
    -, допустимая — allowable speed
    -, допустимая (ограниченная) — limiting speed
    -, заданная воздушная — target airspeed
    - заданная подвижным индексом — bug speed. fuel dumping may be necessary to reduce the bug speed.
    - заправки топливом — fueling rate, fuel delivery rate
    - захода на посадку (vзп)approach speed (vapp)
    - захода на посадку при всех работающих двигателяхapproach speed with all engines operating
    - захода на посадку при одном неработающем двигателеapproach speed with one engine inoperative
    - захода на посадку с убранными закрылкамиno flap approach speed
    - захода на посадку с убранными закрылками и предкрылками — no flap-no slat approach speed. аn approach speed of 15 knots below no flap-no slat approach speeds can be used.
    - захода на посадку с убранными предкрылками — no slat approach speed. with the leading edge slats extended, an approach speed of 15 knots below no flap - no slat approach speeds can be used.
    -, звуковая — sonic speed
    скорость ла или его части. равная скорости звука в данных условиях. — the speed of sound. when an object travels in air at the same speed as that of sound in the same medium.
    -, земная индикаторная (v13) (из) — calibrated airspeed (cas)
    - изменения (величины)rate (of change)
    - изменения бокового отклонения — crosstrack (distance) deviation rate, xtk deviation rate
    - изменения шага (винта)pitch-change rate
    -, индикаторная воздушная — equivalnet airspeed (eas)
    -, индикаторная земная (v13, из) (сша) — calibrated airspeed (cas)
    равна показанию указателя скорости (приборной скорости) с учетом аэродинамической поправки (и инструментальной погрешности). напр., 150 км/ч из. — airspeed indicator reading, as installed in airplane, corrected for (static source) position (and instrument) error. cas is equal to the tas in standard atmosphere at sea level.
    -, индикаторная земная (англ.) — rectified air speed (ras). ras is the indicated airspeed corrected for instrument and position errors.
    - истечения выходящих газов (из реактивного сопла газотурбинного двигателя) — exhaust velocity, speed of ехhaust gases. the velocity of gaseous or other particles (exhaust stream) that exhaust through the nozzle.
    -, истинная воздушная (ис) — true airspeed (tas)
    скорость самолета относительно невозмущенного воздуха, равная скорости. — the speed of the airplane relative to undisturbed air.
    -, истинная воздушная (по числу m) — true mach number (m)
    показания указателя числа м c учетом аэродинамической поправки для приемника статического давления. — machmeter reading corrected for static source position error.
    - касания (при посадке)touch-down speed
    - коррекции гироскопаgyro erection rate
    - коррекции гироскопа в азимутеgyro azimuth erection rate
    - коррекции гироскопа по крену и тангажу — gyro roll/pitch erection rate
    - крейсерскаяcruising speed
    скорость полета, не превышающая 90 % расчетной скорости горизонтального полета. — а speed not greater than 90 % of the design level speed.
    -, крейсерская расчетная — design cruising speed (vc)
    - крена, угловая — rate of roll, roll rate
    -, критическая (сваливания) — stalling speed (vs)
    -, линейная — linear velocity
    скорость в заданном направлении для определения скорости. — speed acting in one specified direction defines velocity.
    -, линейная (скорость движения no прямой) — linear speed. rate of motion in a straight iine.
    -, максимальная допустимая эксплуатационная (no терминологии икао) — maximum permissible operating speed
    -, максимальная маневренная — maneuvering speed (va)
    нe допускать максимального отклонения поверхности управления при превышении максимальной маневренной скорости. — maximum deflection of flight controls should not be used above va.
    -, максимальная посадочная (vп max) — maximum landing speed
    -, максимальная предельнодопустимая — maximum operating limit speed
    -, максимальная предельнодопустимая, приборная — maximum operating limit indicated airspeed (ias)
    -, максимальная эксплуатационная — maximum operating limit speed (vmo)
    - максимально допустимая (vмд)maximum operating limit speed (vmo)
    - максимальной продопжительности (полета)high-endurance cruise speed
    "- мала" (надпись на указателе отклонения от заданной скорости прибора пкп) — slow
    -, малая — low speed
    -, малая (стеклоочистителя) — slow rate (slow)
    -, минимальная — minimum speed
    наименьшая установившаяся скорость горизонтального полета на высоте, значительно превышающей размер крыла, при любом режиме работы двигателей, — the lowest steady speed which can be maintained by an airplane in level flight at an altitude large in comparison with the dimension of the wings, with any throttle setting.
    -, минимальная (полетная) — minimum flying speed
    наименьшая установившаяся скорость, выдерживаемая при любом режиме работы двигателей в горизонтальном полете на высоте, превышающей размах крыла, — the lowest steady speed that can be maintained with any throttle setting whatsoever, by an airplane in level flight at an altitude above the ground, greater than the span of the wing.
    -, минимальная посадочная (vп min) — minimum landing speed
    -, минимально эволютивная (vminэ) — minimum control speed (vmc)
    скорость, при которой в случае отказа критического двигателя обеспечивается возможность управления самолетом для выдерживания прямолинейного полета на данной скорости, при нулевом рыскании и угле крена не более 5°. — vmc is the speed at which, when the critical engine is suddenly made inoperative at that speed, it is possible to recover control of the airplane with the engine still inoperative and to maintain it in straight flight at that speed, either with zero yaw or with an angle of bank not in excess of 5°.
    -, минимально эволютивная (в воздухе) (vminэв) — air minimum control speed (vmca)
    минимальная скорость полета, при которой обеспечивается управление самолетом с макс. креном до 5° в случае отказа критического двигателя и при работе остальных двигателей на взлетном режиме. — the minimum flight speed at which the airplane is controllable with а maximum of 5 deg. bank when the critical engine suddenly becomes inoperative with the remaining engines at take-off thrust.
    -, минимально эволютивная (на земле) (vmin эр) — ground minimum control speed (vmcg)
    минимальная скорость разбега, обеспечивающая продолжение взлета, с использеванием только аэродинамических поверхностей правления, в случае отказа критич. двиг. и при работе остальных двигателей на взлетном режиме. — the minimum speed on the ground at which the takeoff can be continued, utilizing aerodynamic controls alone, when the critical engine suddenly becomes inoperative with the remaining engines at takeoff thrust.
    -, минимально эволютивная (при начальном наборе высоты) — minimum control speed (at takeoff climb)
    -, минимально эволютивная (у земли) — minimum control speed near ground
    -, минимально допустимая эксплуатационная — minimum operating speed
    - набора высоты (вдоль траектории)climb speed
    - набора высоты (вертикальная)rate of climb
    при проверке летных характеристик - вертикальная составляющая возд. скор. в условиях станд. атмосферы. в обычном полете - скорость удаления от земной поверхности. — in performance testing, the vertical component of the air speed in standard atmosphere. in general flying, the rate of ascent from tfle earth.
    - набора высоты на маршрутеenroute climb speed
    - набора высоты, начальная — initial climb-out speed
    - набора высоты с убранными закрылками — flaps up climb(ing) speed, no flap climb speed
    - на высоте 15м, посадочная — landing reference speed (vref)
    минимальная скорость на высоте 15м при нормальной посадке. — the minimum speed at the 50 foot height in a normal landing.
    - нагреваheating rate
    - наибольшей дальностиbest range cruise speed
    - наибольшей продолжительности полетаhigh-endurance cruise speed
    - наивыгоднейшего набора высотыspeed for best rate of climb (vy)
    - наивыгоднейшего угла траектории набора высотыspeed for best angle of climb (vx)
    - на маршрутееп route speed
    - на режиме максимальной дальности, крейсерская — long-range cruise speed
    - на режиме наибольшей дальностиbest range cruise speed
    - на режиме наибольшей продолжительностиhigh-endurance cruise speed
    - начала изменения положения механизации (при взлете,v3) — speed at start of extendable (high-lift) devices retraction (v3)
    - начала подъема передней опоры (при взлете)rotation speed (vr)
    - начала торможения (vн.т.) — brake application speed, speed at start of (wheel) brakes application
    - начального набора высоты — initial climb speed, climb-out speed
    - начального набора высоты (v4) (в конце полной взлетной дистанции)initial climb speed (v4)
    - начального набора высоты, установившаяся — steady initial climb speed. take-off safety speed, v2, at 35 feet shall be consistent with achievement of smooth transition to steady initial climb speed, v4 at height of 400 feet.
    - (максимальная), непревышаемая — never exceed speed (vne)
    -, нормируемая — rated speed
    - обнаружения (искомого) светила (звезды) телескопом (астрокорректора)star-detection rate of telescope
    - образования (напр., льда) — rate of (ice) formation
    -, ограниченная заявителем — speed selected by the applicant

    the approach and landing speeds must be selected by the applicant.
    -, ограниченная энергоемкостью тормозов — maximum brake energy speed (vmbe)
    максимальная скорость движения самолета по земле, при которой энергоемкость тормозов сможет обеспечить полную остановку самолета, — the maximum speed on the ground from which a stop can be accomplished within the energy capabilities of the brakes.
    -, околозвуковая — transonic speed
    скорость в диапазоне от м = 0,8 - 1,2. — speed in а range of mach 0.8 to 1.2.
    -, окружная — circumferential speed
    -, окружная (конца лопасти) — tip speed
    -, окружная (тангенциальная, касательная) — radial velocity. doppler effect in terms of radial velocity of a target.
    -, опасная (самолета, превышающая vмо/mмо) — aircraft overspeed (а/с ovsp). speed exceeding vmo/mmo
    - определяется для гладкой, сухой впп с жестким покрытием — vi speed is based on smooth, dry, hard surfaced runways
    -, оптимальная — best speed
    - отказа критического двигателя (при взлете)critical engine failure speed (v1)
    скорость, при которой после обнаружения отказавшего двигателя, дистанция продолжительного взлета до высоты 10,7 м не превышает располагаемой дистанции взлета, или дистанция до полной остановки не превышает располагаемой дистанции прерванного взлета, — the speed at which, when an engine failure is recognized, the distance to continue the takeoff to а height of 35 feet will not exceed the usable takeoff distance or, the distance to bring the airplane to а full stop will not exceed the accelerate-stop distance available.
    - (сигнал) от доплеровской системыdoppler velocity
    - от измерителя дисс (доплеровский измеритель путевой скорости и сноса), путевая — gappier ground speed (gsd)
    - откачки (слива) топлива (на земле) — defueling rate, fuel off-loading rate
    - отклонения закрылковrate of the flaps motion
    - отклонения от глиссадыglide slope deviation rate
    - отклонения поверхности ynравленияcontrol surface deflection rate
    -, относительная — relative speed, speed of relative movement

    motion of an aircraft relative to another.
    - отработки (скорость изменения индикации прибора в зависимости от изменения параметра) — response rate /speed/, rate of response
    - отработки астропоправки по курсу — rate /speed/ of response to celestial correction to azimuth e rror
    - отработки поправки — correction response rate /speed/
    - отработки сигналаsignal response rate
    - отрыва (ла) — lirt-off speed (vlof:)
    скорость в момент отрыва основных опорных устройств самолета от впп по окончании разбега при взлете (vотр.). — vlof is the speed at which the airplane first becomes airborne.
    - отрыва колеса (характеристика тормозного колеса)wheel unstick speed
    -, отрыва, минимальная — minimum unstick speed (vmu)
    устаназливается разработчиком (заявителем), как наименьшая скор, движения самолета на взлете, при которой еще можно производить отрыв самолета и затем продолжать взлет без применения особых методов пилотирования. — the speed selected by the applicant at and above which the airplane can be made to lift off the ground and сопtinue the take-off without displaying any hazardous characteristics.
    - отрыва носового колеса (или передней стойки шасси) (vп.oп) — rotation speed (vr)
    скорость начала преднамеренного увеличения угла тангажа при разбеге (рис. 113). — the speed at which the airplane rotation is initiated during the takeoff.

    vr is the speed at which the nosewheel is raised and the airplane is rotated to the lift off attitude.
    - отрыва передней опоры при взлете (vп.оп) — rotation speed
    - перевода в набор высоты (после взлета)initial climb speed
    - перемещения органа управления — rate of control movement /displacement/
    - пересечения входной кромки впп (vвк)threshold speed (vt)
    скорость самолета, с которой он пролетает над входной кромкой впп.
    - пересечения входной кромки впп, демонстрационная — demonstrated threshold speed
    - пересечения входной кромки впп, максимальная (vвк max.) — maximum threshold speed (vmt)
    - пересечения входной кромки впп, намеченная (заданная) — target threshold speed (vtt). target threshold speed is the speed which the pilot aims to reach when the airplane crosses the threshold.
    - пересечения входной кромки впп при нормальной работе всех двигателей (vвкn) — threshold speed with all еngines operating
    - пересечения входной кромки впп при нормальной работе всех двигателей, намеченная (заданная) — target threshold speed with all engines operating
    - пересечения входной кромки впп с двумя неработающими двигателями (vвк n-2) — threshold speed with two еngines inoperative
    - пересечения входной кромки впп с одним неработающим двиг. (vвкn-1) — threshold speed with one еngine inoperative
    - пересечения входной кромки впп с одним неработающим двигателем, намеченная (заданная) — target threshold speed with one engine inoperative
    - пикированияdiving speed
    - пикирования, демонстрационная — demonstrated flight diving speed (vdf)
    -, пикирования, расчетная — design diving speed (vd)
    - планированияgliding speed
    - планирования при заходе на посадкуgliding approach speed
    - по азимуту, угловая — rate of turn
    - поворота, угловая — rate of turn
    - подъема передней опоры (стойки) шассиrotation speed (vr)
    скорость начала увеличения yгла тангажа на разбеге, преднамеренно создаваемого отклонением штурвала на себя для вывода самолета на взлетный угол атаки (vп.ст.). — the speed at which the airplane rotation is initiated during the takeoff, to lift /to rise/ the nose gear off the runway.
    - поиска (искомой) звезды телескопом(target) star detection rate of telescope

    detection rate is the ratio of field of view to detection time.
    -пo курсу, угловая — rate of turn
    - полетаflight speed
    - полета в болтанкуrough air speed (vra)
    - полета в зоне ожиданияholding speed
    - полета в неспокойном (турбулентном) воздухеrough air speed (vra)
    - полета для длительных режимов, наибольшая (vнэ) — normal operating limit speed (vno)
    - полета, максимальная — maximum flying speed
    - полета на наибольшую дальность крейсерскаяbest range cruise speed
    - полета на наибольшую продолжительностьhigh-endurance cruise speed
    - полета на режиме максимальной продолжительной мощностиspeed (in flight) with maximum continuous power (or thrust)
    - полета при болтанкеrough air speed (vra)
    - полета с максимальной крейсерской тягой — speed (in flight) with maximum cruise /cruising/ thrust
    -, пониженная — reduced (air) speed
    при невозможности уборки створок реверса тяги продолжайте полет на пониженной скорости. — if reverser cannot be stowed, continue (flight) at reduced speed.
    - по прибору (пр)indicated airspeed (ias)
    - попутного ветраtailwind speed
    - попутного ветра (название шкалы на графике)tailwind
    - порыва ветраgust velocity
    -, посадочная (vп) — landing speed
    скорость самолета в момент касания основными его опорными устройствами поверхности впп — the minimum speed of an airplane at the instant of contact with the landing area in a normal landing.
    -, посадочная (на высоте 15м) — landing reference speed (vref)
    минимальная скорость на высоте 50 фт в условиях нормальной посадки, равная 1.3 скорости сваливания в посадочной конфигурации ла. — the minimum speed at 50 foot height in normal langin. equal to (1.3) times the stall speed in landing configuration.
    -, постоянная — constant speed
    -, поступательная (скорость движения вертолета вперед) — forward speed. steady angle of helicopter glide must be determined in autorotation, and with the optimum forward speed.
    - по тангажу, угловая — rate of pitch
    - потока газа (проходящего через двигатель, в фт/сек) — gas flow velocity (fps), vel f.p.s.
    -, предельная (vпред.) — maximum operating limit speed (vmo)
    скорость, преднамеренное превышение которой не допускается на всех режимах полета (набор высоты, крейсерский полет, снижение), кроме особо оговоренных случаев, допускаемых при летных испытаниях или тренировочных полетах. — speed that may not be deliberately exceeded in any regime of normal flight (climb, cruise or descent), unless а higher speed is authorized for flight test or pilot training operations.
    -, предельно (свободно падающего тела) — terminal velocity
    -, предельная (скорость самолета, превышающая допустимые ограничения vmo/mmo) — aircraft overspeed (а/с ovsp) а/с ovsp annunciator warns of exceeding air speed limitations (vmo/mmo)
    -, предельно допустимая эксплуатационная (vпред.) — maximum operating limit speed (vmo)
    - прецессии (гироскопа)precession rate
    - приближения (сближения)closure rate
    - приближения к земле (чрезмерная) — (excessive) closure rate to terrain, excessive rate of descent with respect to terrain
    -,приборная воздушная (vпр) (пр) — indicated airspeed (ias)
    показания указателя скорости, характеризующие величину скоростного напора, а не скорость перемещения самолета (напр.,150 км/ч пр). — airspeed indicator reading, as installed in the airplane, uncorrected for airspeed indicator system errors.
    - приборная исправленная с учетом аэродинамической поправки и инструментальной погрешности прибора — calibrated airspeed (cas)
    - при включении и выключении реверса тяги, максимальная — maximum speed for extending and retracting the thrust reverser, thrust reverser operating speed
    - при включении стеклоочистителей лобовых стеколwindshield wiper operation speed
    (т.е., скорость полета, при которой разрешается включать стеклоочистители) — do not operate the w/s wipers at speed in excess of... km/hr.
    - при включении тормозов (при пробеге)brake-on speed
    - при выпуске воздушных тормозовspeed brake operating speed (vsb)
    - при выпуске (уборке) посадочной фарыlanding light operation speed
    - при выпущенных интерцепторах (спойлерах), расчетная максимальная — design speller extended speed
    - при выпуске (уборке) шасси, максимальная — maximum landing gear operating speed (vlo)
    - при заходе на посадку и посадке, минимальная эволютивная — minimum control speed at арpreach and landing (vmcl)
    - при (напр., взлетной) конфигурации самолета — speed in (takeaff) configuration
    - при максимальной силе порыва ветра, расчетная — design speed for maximum gust intensity (vb)
    - при максимальных порывах ветра, расчетная — design speed for maximum gust intensity
    - при наборе высотыclimb speed
    - при наборе высоты, наивыгоднейшая (оптимальная) — best climb speed
    - при наборе высоты по маршруту на конечном участке чистой траекторииеn route climb speed at final net flight path segment
    - принятия решения (v1) — (takeoff) decision speed (v1), critical engine failure speed (v1)
    наибольшая скорость разбега самолета, при которой в случае отказа критич. двиг. (отказ распознается на этой скорости) возможно как безопасное прекращение, так и безопасное продолжение взлета. (рис. 113) — the speed at which, when an engine failure is recognized, the distance to continue the takeoff to а height of 35 feet will not exceed the usable takeoff distance, or, the distance to bring the airplane to а full stop will not exceed the accelerate-stop distance available.
    - принятия решения относительная (v1/vr) — engine failure speed ratio (v1/vr ratio)
    отношение скорости принятия решения v1 к скорости подъема передней стойки шасси vr. — the ratio of the engine failure speed, v1, for actual runway dimensions and conditions, to the rotation speed, vr
    - принятия решения (v1), принятая при расчете макс. допустимого взлетного веса — critical engine failure speed (v1) assumed for max. allowable take-off weight max, allowable т.о. wt is derived from the corresponding critical engine failure speed (v1).
    - при отказе критического двигателя (при взлете)critical engine failure speed (v1)
    - при отрыве носового колеса (см. скорость подъема передней опоры) (рис. 113) — rotation speed (vr)
    - при предпосадочном маневре — (approach) pattern speed. overshooting the turn on final approach may occur with the higher (approach) pattern speed.
    - при сниженииspeed in descent
    - при экстремальном сниженииemergency descent speed
    - проваливания (резкая потеря высоты)sink rate
    - продольной составляющей ветра (график)wind component parallel to flight path
    - прохождения порога, максимальная — maximum threshold speed
    - путевая (w)ground speed (gs)
    скорость перемещения самолета относительно земной поверхности, измеряемая вдоль линии пути. — aircraft velocity relative to earth surface measured along the present track.
    - разбега, мннимально-эволю тивная (vmin эр) — round minimum control speed vmcg)
    - разгерметизацииrate of decompression
    - раскрытия (парашюта), критическая — critical opening speed
    - рассогласованияrate of disagreement
    -, расчетная — design speed
    -, расчетная предельная (пикирования) — design diving speed (vd)
    -, расчетная крейсерская — design cruising speed (vc)
    -, расчетная маневренная — design maneuvering speed (va)
    максимальная скорость, при которой максимальное отклонение поверхностей управления (элеронов,ph. рв) не вызывает опасных напряжений в конструкции ла. — the maximum speed at which application of full available aileron, rudder or elevator will not overstress the airplane.
    - реакцииreaction rate
    - реверса (поверхностей) управленияreversal speed
    минимальная индикаторнаявоздушная скорость при которой возникает реверс поверхностей управления. — the lowest equivalent air speed at which reversal of control occurs.
    -, рекомендованная изготовителем — manufacturer's recommended speed
    -, рейсовая — block speed
    -, рулежная — taxiing speed
    - рыскания, угловая — rate of yaw, yaw rate
    - сближения — closure /closing/ rate /speed/, rate of closure
    скорость с которой два объекта приближаются друг к другу. — the speed at which two bodies approach each other.
    - сближения с землей, опасная (чрезмерная) — excessive closure rate to terrain
    - сваливания (vс)stalling speed (vs)
    скорость сваливания определяется началом сваливания самолета при заданных: конфигурации самолета, его полетном весе и режиме работы двигателей. — means the stalling speed or the minimum steady flight speed at which the airplane is controllabie.
    - сваливания, минимальная (vсmin.) — minimurn stalling speed
    - сваливания, приборная — indicated stalling speed

    the indlcalcid air speed at the stall.
    - сваливания при посадочной конфигурации (vсо) — stalling speed (vso). stalling speed or minimum steady flighl speed in landing configuration.
    - сваливания при наработающих двигателяхpower-off stalling speed
    - сваливания при работающих двигателяхpower-off stalling speed
    - сваливания при рассматриваемой конфигурации самолета (vс1) — stalling speed (vs1). stalling speed or minimum steady. flight speed obtained in a specified configuration.
    - сваливания с закрылками в посадочном положении, минимальная — minimum stalling speed with wing-flaps in landing setting
    -, сверхзвуковая — supersonic speed
    скорость, превышающая скорость звука, — pertaining to, or dealing with, speeds greater than the acoustic velocity.
    - с выпущенными закрылками, максимальная — maximum flap extended speed (vfe)
    - с выпущенными шасси, максимальная — maximum landing gear extended speed (vle)
    максимальная скорость, при которой разрешается полет с выпущенным шасси, — maximum speed at which the airplane can be safety flown with the landing gear extended.
    - скоса потока внизdownwash velocity
    - слежения за изменением высоты (корректором высоты) — rate of response to altitude variation /change/
    - слива (откачки) топлива (на земле) — defueling rate, fuel off-loading rate
    - снижения — speed of /in/ descent
    -, снижения (напр., при посадке) — rate of sink, sink rate. touchdown at minimum rate of sink.
    - снижения, вертикальная — rate of descent, descent /sink/ rate
    - снижения в момент касания (водной поверхности при аварийной посадке на воду) — impact sink speed. the impact sink speed should be kept below 100 fpm to minimize the risk of a primary fuselage structural failure.
    - снижения парашютаparachute rate of descent
    - снижения парашютов с единичным грузомrate of descent of single cargo parachutes
    - снижения, чрезмерная — excessive rate of descent, excessive sink rate
    - сносаdrift rate
    - согласования (гироагрегата) — rate of slaving, slaving rate
    - согласования следящих сиетем (инерциальной системы)servo loop slaving rate
    - с отказавшим критическим двигателем, минимальная эеолютивная — minimum control speed with the critical engine inoperative (vmc)
    - с полностью убранными закрылками, посадочная — zero flap landing speed

    zero flap landing ground speeds are obviously high so fuel dumping may be necessary to reduce the bug speed.
    - спуска, вертикальная — rate of sink, sink rate

    touchdown at minimum rate of sink. perform high sink rate maneuver.
    -, средняя — average speed
    -, средняя эксплуатационная (коммерческая) — block speed
    - срыва (см. скорость сваливания) — stalling speed (vs)
    - схода (ракеты) с направляющейlaunch(ing) speed
    - тангажа, угловая — rate of pitch, pitch rate
    -, текущая — current speed

    ete calculation is based on current ground speed.
    - (уборки) выпуска шасси, максимальная — maximum landing gear operating speed (vlo)
    -, угловая — angular velocity
    изменение угла за единицу времени, — the change of angle per unit time.
    -, угловая — angular speed, angular rate, angular velocity
    изменение направления за единицу времени, напр., отметки (цели) на экране радиолокатора. — change of direction per unit time, as for a target on a radar screen.
    -, угловая инерционная (корпуса гироскопа относительно к-л. оси) — nertial angular velocity (of gyro case about the indicated axis)
    -, угловая, (координатного сопровождающего) трехгранника (относительно земли) — angular velocity of moving соordinate trihedral
    - у земли, минимальная эволютивная — minimum control speed near ground
    -, установившаяся — steady speed
    - установившегося полета, минимальная — minimum steady flight speed
    - установившегося разворота, угловая — sustained turn rate (str)
    - ухода гироскопаgyro drift rate
    - ухода гироскопа в азимутеazimuth drift rate of the gyro
    - флаттера, критическая — flutter speed
    наименьшая индикаторная скорость, при которой возникает флаттер, — the lowest equivalent air speed at which flutter occurs.
    "(-) число м" (кнопка) — v/m (button or key)
    -, эволютивная (минимальная) — (minimum) control speed (vmc)
    - эволютивная разбега, минимальная (vmin эр) — ground minimum control speed (vmcg)
    -, экономическая — economic speed
    скорость полета, при которой обеспечивается минимальный расход топлива на единицу пути в спокойном воздухе. — the flight speed at which the fuel consumption per unit of distance covered in still air, is а minimum.
    -, экономическая крейсерская — economic cruising speed
    -, эксплуатационная — operating speed
    гашение с. — deceleration
    на с. км/час — at а speed of km/hr
    набор с. — acceleration
    на полной с. — at full speed
    нарастание с. — acceleration
    переход к с. (набора высоты) — transition to (climb) speed
    при с. км/час — at а speed of km/hr
    разгон (ла) до с. — acceleration to speed of...
    уменьшение с. (процесс) — deceleration
    выдерживать с. (точно) — maintain /hold/ speed (accurately)
    выражать значение с. полета в виде приборной (индикаторной) скорости — state (he speeds in terms of ias (eas)
    гашение с. (перед выравниванием) — speed bleed-off (before flare)
    гасить с. — decelerate
    достигать с. (величина) — attain а speed of (... km/hr)
    достигать с. (обозначание) — reach the speed (v1)
    задавать с. — set up (speed, rate)
    задавать с. км/час (при проверке барометрических приборов на земле) — apply pressure corresponding to а speed of... km/hr
    набирать с. — gain /pick up/ speed, accelerate
    увеличивать с. — increase speed, accelerate
    уменьшать с. — decrease speed, decelerate
    устанавливать с. (полета) — set up speed

    Русско-английский сборник авиационно-технических терминов > скорость

  • 3 скорость

    скорость сущ
    1. speed
    2. velocity аэродинамика малых скоростей
    low-speed aerodynamics
    аэродинамическая труба больших скоростей
    high-speed wind tunnel
    аэродинамическая труба околозвуковых скоростей
    transonic wind tunnel
    безопасная скорость
    safety speed
    безопасная скорость взлета
    takeoff safety speed
    блок датчиков угловых скоростей гироскопа
    rate gyro unit
    блок контроля скорости пробега по земле
    ground run monitor
    вектор воздушной скорости
    airspeed vector
    вектор путевой скорости
    ground speed vector
    вертикальная скорость
    vertical speed
    воздушная скорость
    восстанавливать скорость
    regain the speed
    выдерживание скорости
    speed holding
    выдерживать требуемую скорость полета
    maintain the flying speed
    вычислитель воздушной скорости
    air-speed computer
    гаситель скорости
    гасить посадочную скорость
    kill the landing speed
    гасить скорость в полете
    decelerate in the flight
    гашение скоростей
    speed bleedoff
    гиперзвуковая скорость
    hypersonic speed
    датчик воздушной скорости
    1. airspeed transmitter
    2. airspeed sensor датчик скорости
    velocity sensor
    датчик угловой скорости крена
    1. roll-rate pickup
    2. roll rate sensor диапазон больших скоростей
    high-speed range
    диапазон скоростей
    speed range
    дозвуковая скорость
    subsonic speed
    допустимая скорость
    allowable speed
    допустимая эксплуатационная скорость
    permissible operating speed
    единица скорости телеграфной передачи
    задавать определенную скорость
    set up the speed
    заданная скорость
    1. target speed
    2. sufficient speed 3. on-speed замедлять скорость
    speed down
    запас скорости
    speed margin
    заход на посадку с уменьшением скорости
    decelerating approach
    зона выдерживания скорости
    speed control area
    измеритель угловой скорости
    измеритель угловой скорости крена
    rate-of-roll meter
    индикаторная воздушная скорость
    1. calibrate airspeed
    2. rectified airspeed информация о скорости
    rate information
    исправленная воздушная скорость
    corrected airspeed
    исправленная скорость
    basic speed
    (с учетом погрешности измерения) истинная воздушная скорость
    true airspeed
    комбинированный указатель скорости
    combination airspeed indicator
    коммерческая скорость
    block speed
    крейсерская скорость
    cruising speed
    крейсерская скорость для полета максимальной дальности
    long-range cruise speed
    критическая скорость
    hump speed
    линейная скорость
    1. linear velocity
    2. linear speed максимальная скорость порыва
    gust peak speed
    (воздушной массы) максимально допустимая скорость
    1. maximum limit speed
    2. never-exceed speed максимально допустимая скорость прохождения порога ВПП
    maximum threshold speed
    мгновенная вертикальная скорость
    instantaneous vertical speed
    (полета) минимальная безопасная скорость взлета
    minimum takeoff safety speed
    минимальная посадочная скорость
    minimum landing speed
    минимальная скорость отрыва
    minimum unstick speed
    минимальная скорость полета
    minimum flying speed
    минимально допустимая скорость прохождения порога ВПП
    minimum threshold speed
    набирать заданную скорость полета
    obtain the flying speed
    наименьшая начальная скорость
    slowest initial speed
    (полета) на полной скорости
    at full speed
    наращивать скорость
    gather the speed
    на скорости
    1. at a speed of
    2. on the speed ограничение по скорости полета
    air-speed limitation
    околозвуковая скорость
    1. transonic speed
    2. near-sonic speed окружная скорость
    circumferential speed
    окружная скорость законцовки воздушного винта
    propeller tip speed
    окружная скорость лопасти воздушного винта
    airscrew blade speed
    окружная скорость лопатки вентилятора
    fan tip speed
    относительная воздушная скорость
    relative airspeed
    относительная скорость
    relative velocity
    переходить к скорости набора высоты
    transit to the climb speed
    полет на малой скорости
    low-speed flight
    полет с уменьшением скорости
    decelerating flight
    поправка на воздушную скорость
    airspeed compensation
    посадочная скорость
    landing speed
    поступательная скорость
    forward speed
    предел скоростей на крейсерском режиме
    cruising speeds range
    предел скорости ветра
    wind limit
    предельная скорость
    top speed
    приборная воздушная скорость
    1. indicated airspeed
    2. basic airspeed продольная составляющая скорости
    longitudinal velocity
    путевая скорость
    1. ground speed
    (скорость воздушного судна относительно земли) 2. ground velocity 3. actual speed равнодействующий вектор скорости
    resultant velocity vector
    развивать заданную скорость
    1. gain the speed
    2. attain the speed 3. pick up the speed разгонять до скорости
    accelerate to the speed
    расчетная воздушная скорость
    design airspeed
    расчетная скорость
    design speed
    расчетная скорость полета
    reference flight speed
    расчетная скорость схода
    exit design speed
    (с ВПП) регистратор воздушной скорости
    air-speed recorder
    регулируемая скорость
    governed speed
    реле максимальной скорости
    speed warning relay
    самопроизвольное восстановление скорости
    free speed return
    сверхзвуковая скорость
    1. supersonic speed
    2. ultrasonic speed сигнализатор достижения предельной скорости
    limit speed switch
    система привода с постоянной скоростью
    constant speed drive system
    система управления скоростью
    speed control system
    (полета) скорость аварийного слива топлива
    fuel dumping rate
    скорость балансировки
    rate of trim
    скорость бокового движения
    sideward flight speed
    (вертолета) скорость бокового скольжения
    1. lateral velocity
    2. rate of sideslip скорость вертикального порыва
    vertical gust speed
    (воздушной массы) скорость ветра
    wind speed
    скорость ветра у поверхности
    surface wind speed
    (земли) скорость взлета
    takeoff speed
    скорость воздушного судна
    aircraft speed
    скорость возникновения бафтинга
    buffeting onset speed
    скорость возникновения флаттера
    flutter onset speed
    скорость вращения
    rotational speed
    скорость встречного ветра
    headwind speed
    скорость в условиях турбулентности
    1. rough airspeed
    2. rough-air speed скорость выпуска - уборки шасси
    landing gear operating speed
    скорость газового потока
    gas flow velocity
    скорость горизонтального полета
    level-flight speed
    скорость движения воздушной массы
    air velocity
    скорость, заданная подвижным индексом
    bug speed
    (прибора) скорость замедления
    decreasing speed
    скорость заправки топливных баков
    fuel tank filling rate
    скорость затухания
    degeneration speed
    (звукового удара) скорость захода на посадку
    1. landing approach speed
    2. approach speed скорость захода на посадку с убранной механизацией крыла
    no-flap - no-slat approach speed
    скорость захода на посадку с убранными закрылками
    no-flap approach speed
    скорость захода на посадку с убранными предкрылками
    no-slat approach speed
    скорость звука
    1. sonic speed
    2. velocity of sound 3. sound velocity скорость изменения бокового отклонения
    crosstrack distance change rate
    скорость изменения высоты
    altitude rate
    скорость изменения шага винта
    pitch-change rate
    скорость истечения выхлопных газов
    exhaust velocity
    скорость истечения выходящих газов на срезе реактивного сопла
    nozzle exhaust velocity
    скорость истечения газов
    exit velocity
    скорость крена
    rate of roll
    скорость маневрирования
    manoeuvring speed
    скорость набора высоты
    ascensional rate
    скорость набора высоты при выходе из зоны
    climb-out speed
    скорость набора высоты при полете по маршруту
    en-route climb speed
    скорость набора высоты с убранными закрылками
    1. flaps-up climbing speed
    2. flaps-up climb speed 3. no-flap climb speed скорость на начальном участке набора высоты при взлете
    speed at takeoff climb
    скорость начала торможения
    brake application speed
    скорость обгона
    overtaking speed
    (воздушного судна) скорость отклонения закрылков
    rate of flaps motion
    скорость отработки
    follow-up rate
    скорость отрыва
    liftoff speed
    (при разбеге) скорость отрыва носового колеса
    rotation speed
    (при взлете) скорость отрыва при взлете
    unstick speed
    скорость парашютирования
    sink speed
    (при посадке) скорость первоначального этапа набора высоты
    initial climb speed
    скорость перед сваливанием
    prestall speed
    (на крыло) скорость пикирования
    dive speed
    скорость планирования
    gliding speed
    скорость полета
    flight speed
    скорость полета на малом газе
    flight idle speed
    скорость попутного ветра
    tailwind speed
    скорость порыва
    gust velocity
    скорость по тангажу
    rate of pitch
    скорость прецессии
    precession rate
    скорость при аварийном снижении
    emergency descent speed
    скорость при взлетной
    speed in takeoff configuration
    (конфигурации воздушного судна) скорость при всех работающих двигателях
    all engines speed
    скорость при выпуске закрылков
    flaps speed
    скорость при выпущенных интерцепторах
    spoiler extended speed
    скорость при касании
    touchdown speed
    (ВПП) скорость принятия решения
    decision speed
    (пилотом) скорость при отказе критического двигателя
    critical engine failure speed
    скорость при полностью убранных закрылках
    zero flaps speed
    скорость при посадочной
    speed in landing configuration
    (конфигурации воздушного судна) скорость протяжки ленты
    tape speed
    (бортового регистратора) скорость прохождения порога ВПП
    threshold speed
    скорость разворота
    rate of turn
    скорость раскрытия
    opening speed
    (парашюта) скорость рассогласования
    rate of disagreement
    скорость реакции
    reaction rate
    скорость руления
    taxiing speed
    скорость рыскания
    rate of yaw
    скорость сближения
    1. closing speed
    (воздушных судов) 2. rate of closure скорость сваливания
    stalling speed
    (на крыло) скорость скоса потока вниз
    downwash velocity
    скорость слива топлива
    fuel off-load rate
    скорость снижения
    1. descent velocity
    2. rate of descent скорость снижения перед касанием
    sink rate
    скорость снижения при заходе на посадку
    approach rate of descent
    скорость сноса
    drift rate
    скорость согласования
    slaving rate
    скорость схода с ВПП
    turnoff speed
    скорость таможенной пошлины
    rate of duty
    скорость установившегося полета
    steady flight speed
    скорость установившегося разворота
    sustained turn rate
    скорость ухода гироскопа
    gyro drift rate
    снижать скорость воздушного судна до
    decelerate the aircraft to
    составляющая скорости
    velocity component
    средняя скорость
    mean speed
    таблица поправок воздушной скорости
    air-speed calibration card
    тарировка указателя воздушной скорости
    air-speed indicator calibration
    терять заданную скорость
    lose the speed
    точно выдерживать скорость
    hold the speed accurately
    трафарет ограничения воздушной скорости
    airspeed placard
    треугольник скоростей
    triangle of velocities
    увеличение скорости
    speed increase
    увеличивать скорость
    increase the speed
    угловая скорость
    1. angular speed
    2. angular velocity 3. angular rate указатель воздушной скорости
    1. airspeed indicator
    2. airspeed instrument указатель индикаторной воздушной скорости
    calibrated airspeed indicator
    указатель путевой скорости
    ground speed indicator
    указатель скорости
    speed pointer
    указатель скорости ветра
    wind speed indicator
    указатель скорости крена
    rate-of-roll indicator
    указатель скорости набора высоты
    указатель скорости разворота
    rate-of-turn indicator
    указатель скорости рыскания
    rate-of-yaw indicator
    указатель скорости снижения на ВПП
    rising runway indicator
    указатель скорости сноса
    speed-and-drift meter
    указатель сноса и скорости
    drift-speed indicator
    уменьшать скорость
    decrease the speed
    уменьшение скорости
    уменьшение скорости за счет лобового сопротивления
    deceleration due to drag
    установившаяся скорость набора высоты
    steady rate of climb
    устойчивость по скорости
    speed stability
    фактическая воздушная скорость
    actual airspeed
    фактическая скорость
    demonstrated speed
    фактическая скорость истечения выходящих газов
    actual exhaust velocity
    эволютивная скорость
    control speed
    Минимально допустимая скорость при сохранении управляемости. эквивалентная воздушная скорость
    equivalent airspeed
    экономическая скорость
    economic speed
    (при минимальном расходе топлива) эксплуатационная скорость
    operating speed
    эффект скорости поступательного движения
    forward speed effect

    Русско-английский авиационный словарь > скорость

  • 4 фактическая скорость

    1) Aviation: demonstrated speed
    2) Slang: actual speed
    3) Polygraphy: production speed
    4) Astronautics: actual velocity, real velocity

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > фактическая скорость

  • 5 фактический

    боковой фактический уровень шума
    actual sideline noise level
    время фактического нахождения в воздухе
    actual airborne time
    измерение фактического уровня шума
    actual noise level measurement
    система сборов по фактической массе
    weight system
    (багажа или груза) фактическая видимость
    actual visibility
    фактическая воздушная скорость
    actual airspeed
    фактическая линия пути
    true track
    фактическая подъемная сила
    actual lift
    фактическая скорость
    demonstrated speed
    фактическая скорость истечения выходящих газов
    actual exhaust velocity
    фактическая траектория полета
    actual flight path
    фактические метеоусловия
    actual weather
    фактические расходы
    actual costs
    фактические убытки
    actual losses
    фактический курс
    actual heading
    фактический профиль
    actual profile
    фактическое время
    apparent time
    фактическое время вылета
    departure actual time
    фактическое время прибытия
    actual time of arrival
    фактическое положение воздушного судна
    aircraft's present position
    фактическое увеличение высоты
    net increase in altitude

    Русско-английский авиационный словарь > фактический

  • 6 Gresley, Sir Herbert Nigel

    b. 19 June 1876 Edinburgh, Scotland
    d. 5 April 1941 Hertford, England
    English mechanical engineer, designer of the A4-class 4–6–2 locomotive holding the world speed record for steam traction.
    Gresley was the son of the Rector of Netherseale, Derbyshire; he was educated at Marlborough and by the age of 13 was skilled at making sketches of locomotives. In 1893 he became a pupil of F.W. Webb at Crewe works, London \& North Western Railway, and in 1898 he moved to Horwich works, Lancashire \& Yorkshire Railway, to gain drawing-office experience under J.A.F.Aspinall, subsequently becoming Foreman of the locomotive running sheds at Blackpool. In 1900 he transferred to the carriage and wagon department, and in 1904 he had risen to become its Assistant Superintendent. In 1905 he moved to the Great Northern Railway, becoming Superintendent of its carriage and wagon department at Doncaster under H.A. Ivatt. In 1906 he designed and produced a bogie luggage van with steel underframe, teak body, elliptical roof, bowed ends and buckeye couplings: this became the prototype for East Coast main-line coaches built over the next thirty-five years. In 1911 Gresley succeeded Ivatt as Locomotive, Carriage \& Wagon Superintendent. His first locomotive was a mixed-traffic 2–6–0, his next a 2–8–0 for freight. From 1915 he worked on the design of a 4–6–2 locomotive for express passenger traffic: as with Ivatt's 4 4 2s, the trailing axle would allow the wide firebox needed for Yorkshire coal. He also devised a means by which two sets of valve gear could operate the valves on a three-cylinder locomotive and applied it for the first time on a 2–8–0 built in 1918. The system was complex, but a later simplified form was used on all subsequent Gresley three-cylinder locomotives, including his first 4–6–2 which appeared in 1922. In 1921, Gresley introduced the first British restaurant car with electric cooking facilities.
    With the grouping of 1923, the Great Northern Railway was absorbed into the London \& North Eastern Railway and Gresley was appointed Chief Mechanical Engineer. More 4–6– 2s were built, the first British class of such wheel arrangement. Modifications to their valve gear, along lines developed by G.J. Churchward, reduced their coal consumption sufficiently to enable them to run non-stop between London and Edinburgh. So that enginemen might change over en route, some of the locomotives were equipped with corridor tenders from 1928. The design was steadily improved in detail, and by comparison an experimental 4–6–4 with a watertube boiler that Gresley produced in 1929 showed no overall benefit. A successful high-powered 2–8–2 was built in 1934, following the introduction of third-class sleeping cars, to haul 500-ton passenger trains between Edinburgh and Aberdeen.
    In 1932 the need to meet increasing road competition had resulted in the end of a long-standing agreement between East Coast and West Coast railways, that train journeys between London and Edinburgh by either route should be scheduled to take 8 1/4 hours. Seeking to accelerate train services, Gresley studied high-speed, diesel-electric railcars in Germany and petrol-electric railcars in France. He considered them for the London \& North Eastern Railway, but a test run by a train hauled by one of his 4–6–2s in 1934, which reached 108 mph (174 km/h), suggested that a steam train could better the railcar proposals while its accommodation would be more comfortable. To celebrate the Silver Jubilee of King George V, a high-speed, streamlined train between London and Newcastle upon Tyne was proposed, the first such train in Britain. An improved 4–6–2, the A4 class, was designed with modifications to ensure free running and an ample reserve of power up hill. Its streamlined outline included a wedge-shaped front which reduced wind resistance and helped to lift the exhaust dear of the cab windows at speed. The first locomotive of the class, named Silver Link, ran at an average speed of 100 mph (161 km/h) for 43 miles (69 km), with a maximum speed of 112 1/2 mph (181 km/h), on a seven-coach test train on 27 September 1935: the locomotive went into service hauling the Silver Jubilee express single-handed (since others of the class had still to be completed) for the first three weeks, a round trip of 536 miles (863 km) daily, much of it at 90 mph (145 km/h), without any mechanical troubles at all. Coaches for the Silver Jubilee had teak-framed, steel-panelled bodies on all-steel, welded underframes; windows were double glazed; and there was a pressure ventilation/heating system. Comparable trains were introduced between London Kings Cross and Edinburgh in 1937 and to Leeds in 1938.
    Gresley did not hesitate to incorporate outstanding features from elsewhere into his locomotive designs and was well aware of the work of André Chapelon in France. Four A4s built in 1938 were equipped with Kylchap twin blast-pipes and double chimneys to improve performance still further. The first of these to be completed, no. 4468, Mallard, on 3 July 1938 ran a test train at over 120 mph (193 km/h) for 2 miles (3.2 km) and momentarily achieved 126 mph (203 km/h), the world speed record for steam traction. J.Duddington was the driver and T.Bray the fireman. The use of high-speed trains came to an end with the Second World War. The A4s were then demonstrated to be powerful as well as fast: one was noted hauling a 730-ton, 22-coach train at an average speed exceeding 75 mph (120 km/h) over 30 miles (48 km). The war also halted electrification of the Manchester-Sheffield line, on the 1,500 volt DC overhead system; however, anticipating eventual resumption, Gresley had a prototype main-line Bo-Bo electric locomotive built in 1941. Sadly, Gresley died from a heart attack while still in office.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Knighted 1936. President, Institution of Locomotive Engineers 1927 and 1934. President, Institution of Mechanical Engineers 1936.
    Further Reading
    F.A.S.Brown, 1961, Nigel Gresley, Locomotive Engineer, Ian Allan (full-length biography).
    John Bellwood and David Jenkinson, Gresley and Stanier. A Centenary Tribute (a good comparative account).

    Biographical history of technology > Gresley, Sir Herbert Nigel

  • 7 Behr, Fritz Bernhard

    b. 9 October 1842 Berlin, Germany
    d. 25 February 1927
    German (naturalized British in 1876) engineer, promoter of the Lartigue monorail system.
    Behr trained as an engineer in Britain and had several railway engineering appointments before becoming associated with C.F.M.-T. Lartigue in promoting the Lartigue monorail system in the British Isles. In Lartigue's system, a single rail was supported on trestles; vehicles ran on the rail, their bodies suspended pannier-fashion, stabilized by horizontal rollers running against light guide rails fixed to the sides of the trestles. Behr became Managing Director of the Listowel \& Ballybunion Railway Company, which in 1888 opened its Lartigue system line between those two places in the south-west of Ireland. Three locomotives designed by J.T.A. Mallet were built for the line by Hunslet Engine Company, each with two horizontal boilers, one either side of the track. Coaches and wagons likewise were in two parts. Technically the railway was successful, but lack of traffic caused the company to go bankrupt in 1897: the railway continued to operate until 1924.
    Meanwhile Behr had been thinking in terms far more ambitious than a country branch line. Railway speeds of 150mph (240km/h) or more then lay far in the future: engineers were uncertain whether normal railway vehicles would even be stable at such speeds. Behr was convinced that a high-speed electric vehicle on a substantial Lartigue monorail track would be stable. In 1897 he demonstrated such a vehicle on a 3mile (4.8km) test track at the Brussels International Exhibition. By keeping the weight of the motors low, he was able to place the seats above rail level. Although the generating station provided by the Exhibition authorities never operated at full power, speeds over 75mph (120 km/h) were achieved.
    Behr then promoted the Manchester-Liverpool Express Railway, on which monorail trains of this type running at speeds up to 110mph (177km/h) were to link the two cities in twenty minutes. Despite strong opposition from established railway companies, an Act of Parliament authorizing it was made in 1901. The Act also contained provision for the Board of Trade to require experiments to prove the system's safety. In practice this meant that seven miles of line, and a complete generating station to enable trains to travel at full speed, must be built before it was known whether the Board would give its approval for the railway or not. Such a condition was too severe for the scheme to attract investors and it remained stillborn.
    Further Reading
    H.Fayle, 1946, The Narrow Gauge Railways of Ireland, Greenlake Publications, Part 2, ch. 2 (describes the Listowel \& Ballybunion Railway and Behr's work there).
    D.G.Tucker, 1984, "F.B.Behr's development of the Lartigue monorail", Transactions of
    the Newcomen Society 55 (covers mainly the high speed lines).
    See also: Brennan, Louis

    Biographical history of technology > Behr, Fritz Bernhard

  • 8 Poniatoff, Alexander Mathew

    b. 25 March 1892 Kazan District, Russia
    d. 24 October 1980
    Russian (naturalized American in 1932) electrical engineer responsible for the development of the professional tape recorder and the first commercially-successful video tape recorder (VTR).
    Poniatoff was educated at the University of Kazan, the Imperial College in Moscow, and the Technische Hochschule in Karlsruhe, gaining degrees in mechanical and electrical engineering. He was in Germany when the First World War broke out, but he managed to escape back to Russia, where he served as an Air Force pilot with the Imperial Russian Navy. During the Russian Revolution he was a pilot with the White Russian Forces, and escaped into China in 1920; there he found work as an assistant engineer in the Shanghai Power Company. In 1927 he immigrated to the USA, becoming a US citizen in 1932. He obtained a post in the research and development department of the General Electric Company in Schenectady, New York, and later at Dalmo Victor, San Carlos, California. During the Second World War he was involved in the development of airborne radar for the US Navy.
    In 1944, taking his initials to form the title, Poniatoff founded the AMPEX Corporation to manufacture components for the airborne radar developed at General Electric, but in 1946 he turned to the production of audio tape recorders developed from the German wartime Telefunken Magnetophon machine (the first tape recorder in the truest sense). In this he was supported by the entertainer Bing Crosby, who needed high-quality replay facilities for broadcasting purposes, and in 1947 he was able to offer a professional-quality product and the business prospered.
    With the rapid post-war boom in television broadcasting in the USA, a need soon arose for a video recorder to provide "time-shifting" of live TV programmes between the different US time zones. Many companies therefore endeavoured to produce a video tape recorder (VTR) using the same single-track, fixed-head, longitudinal-scan system used for audio, but the very much higher bandwidth required involved an unacceptably high tape-speed. AMPEX attempted to solve the problem by using twelve parallel tracks and a machine was demonstrated in 1952, but it proved unsatisfactory.
    The development team, which included Charles Ginsburg and Ray Dolby, then devised a four-head transverse-scan system in which a quadruplex head rotating at 14,400 rpm was made to scan across the width of a 2 in. (5 cm) tape with a tape-to-head speed of the order of 160 ft/sec (about 110 mph; 49 m/sec or 176 km/h) but with a longitudinal tape speed of only 15 in./sec (0.38 m/sec). In this way, acceptable picture quality was obtained with an acceptable tape consumption. Following a public demonstration on 14 April 1956, commercial produc-tion of studio-quality machines began to revolutionize the production and distribution of TV programmes, and the perfecting of time-base correctors which could stabilize the signal timing to a few nanoseconds made colour VTRs a practical proposition. However, AMPEX did not rest on its laurels and in the face of emerging competition from helical scan machines, where the tracks are laid diagonally on the tape, the company was able to demonstrate its own helical machine in 1957. Another development was the Videofile system, in which 250,000 pages of facsimile could be recorded on a single tape, offering a new means of archiving information. By 1986, quadruplex VTRs were obsolete, but Poniatoff's role in making television recording possible deserves a place in history.
    Poniatoff was President of AMPEX Corporation until 1955 and then became Chairman of the Board, a position he held until 1970.
    Further Reading
    A.Abrahamson, 1953, "A short history of television recording", Part I, JSMPTE 64:73; 1973, Part II, Journal of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, 82:188 (provides a fuller background).
    Audio Biographies, 1961, ed. G.A.Briggs, Wharfedale Wireless Works, pp. 255–61 (contains a few personal details about Poniatoff's escape from Germany to join the Russian Navy).
    E.Larsen, 1971, A History of Invention.
    Charles Ginsburg, 1981, "The horse or the cowboy. Getting television on tape", Journal of the Royal Television Society 18:11 (a brief account of the AMPEX VTR story).
    KF / GB-N

    Biographical history of technology > Poniatoff, Alexander Mathew

  • 9 sanción

    1 sanction, penalty.
    2 sanction, fiat, official approval.
    3 punishment.
    * * *
    1 (aprobación) sanction, approval
    2 (pena) sanction, penalty
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *

    sanción disciplinaria — punishment, disciplinary measure

    * * *
    1) ( castigo)

    le será aplicada la sanción correspondiente — ( a obrero) appropriate disciplinary measures will be taken; (Der) the appropriate sanction o penalty will be applied

    2) ( de ley) sanction; ( de costumbre) sanction (frml), authorization
    * * *
    = discipline, fine, sanction, criminalisation [criminalization, -USA].
    Ex. In this context, salaries, bonus schemes and promotion are considered along with the corollaries of discipline and even dismissal for those who do not meet the required standard.
    Ex. The GEAC system includes the following modules: fines, reservation, public access system, catalogue, networking, statistical information, acquisition, local community information service.
    Ex. One of the principles that was demonstrated in this study was that workers are more motivated by social rewards and sanctions than by economic incentives.
    Ex. In our opinion, it is more relevant to focus on the Cuban government's criminalization of the unauthorized ownership of computers and its effective banning of the World Wide Web.
    * expediente de sanción = disciplinary proceedings, disciplinary action.
    * imponer sanción económica = levy + fine.
    * imponer sanciones = exercise + sanctions.
    * imponer una sanción = impose + sanction.
    * política de sanciones = fine policy.
    * sanción bibliotecaria = library fine.
    * sanción económica = economic penalty, economic sanction.
    * sanción por préstamo vencido = overdue fine.
    * sin sanción = unsanctioned.
    * * *
    1) ( castigo)

    le será aplicada la sanción correspondiente — ( a obrero) appropriate disciplinary measures will be taken; (Der) the appropriate sanction o penalty will be applied

    2) ( de ley) sanction; ( de costumbre) sanction (frml), authorization
    * * *
    = discipline, fine, sanction, criminalisation [criminalization, -USA].

    Ex: In this context, salaries, bonus schemes and promotion are considered along with the corollaries of discipline and even dismissal for those who do not meet the required standard.

    Ex: The GEAC system includes the following modules: fines, reservation, public access system, catalogue, networking, statistical information, acquisition, local community information service.
    Ex: One of the principles that was demonstrated in this study was that workers are more motivated by social rewards and sanctions than by economic incentives.
    Ex: In our opinion, it is more relevant to focus on the Cuban government's criminalization of the unauthorized ownership of computers and its effective banning of the World Wide Web.
    * expediente de sanción = disciplinary proceedings, disciplinary action.
    * imponer sanción económica = levy + fine.
    * imponer sanciones = exercise + sanctions.
    * imponer una sanción = impose + sanction.
    * política de sanciones = fine policy.
    * sanción bibliotecaria = library fine.
    * sanción económica = economic penalty, economic sanction.
    * sanción por préstamo vencido = overdue fine.
    * sin sanción = unsanctioned.

    * * *
    (castigo): les fueron aplicadas sanciones de un millón de dólares they were fined a million dollars
    una sanción de tres partidos a three-game ban o suspension
    le será aplicada la sanción correspondiente (a un obrero) appropriate disciplinary measures will be taken;
    ( Der) the appropriate sanction o penalty will be applied
    la sanción económica que se nos aplicó the fine we were given, the amount we were fined
    impusieron sanciones económicas/comerciales a Sudáfrica economic/trade sanctions were imposed on South Africa
    B (de una ley) sanction; (de una costumbre) sanction ( frml), authorization
    ha dado su sanción a esta práctica he has sanctioned this practice
    * * *


    sanción sustantivo femenino
    1 (castigo a empleado, obrero) disciplinary measure;
    (Der) sanction, penalty;
    una sanción de tres partidos a three-game ban o suspension;

    sanción económica ( multa) fine;
    sanciones económicas ( a país) economic sanctions
    2 ( de ley) sanction;
    ( de costumbre) sanction (frml), authorization
    sanción sustantivo femenino
    1 (castigo) punishment, sanction
    la sanción por conducir ebrio..., the penalty for drunken driving...
    (multa) fine
    2 (confirmación, validación) sanction, frml approval
    ' sanción' also found in these entries:
    - paquete
    - aplicación
    - aplicar
    - levantamiento
    - levantar
    - leve
    - sanction
    * * *
    1. [multa] fine;
    la sanción por desobedecer el reglamento the penalty for breaking the rules;
    imponer sanciones (económicas) a [a un país] to impose (economic) sanctions on;
    le han impuesto una sanción de un partido he has been suspended o banned for one game
    2. [aprobación] approval;
    el parlamento dio su sanción al proyecto parliament approved the plan
    * * *
    f JUR penalty, sanction;
    sanción económica economic sanction
    * * *
    sanción nf, pl sanciones : sanction
    * * *
    1. (multa) fine
    2. (en política) sanction

    Spanish-English dictionary > sanción

  • 10 Hamilton, Harold Lee (Hal)

    b. 14 June 1890 Little Shasta, California, USA
    d. 3 May 1969 California, USA
    American pioneer of diesel rail traction.
    Orphaned as a child, Hamilton went to work for Southern Pacific Railroad in his teens, and then worked for several other companies. In his spare time he learned mathematics and physics from a retired professor. In 1911 he joined the White Motor Company, makers of road motor vehicles in Denver, Colorado, where he had gone to recuperate from malaria. He remained there until 1922, apart from an eighteenth-month break for war service.
    Upon his return from war service, Hamilton found White selling petrol-engined railbuses with mechanical transmission, based on road vehicles, to railways. He noted that they were not robust enough and that the success of petrol railcars with electric transmission, built by General Electric since 1906, was limited as they were complex to drive and maintain. In 1922 Hamilton formed, and became President of, the Electro- Motive Engineering Corporation (later Electro-Motive Corporation) to design and produce petrol-electric rail cars. Needing an engine larger than those used in road vehicles, yet lighter and faster than marine engines, he approached the Win ton Engine Company to develop a suitable engine; in addition, General Electric provided electric transmission with a simplified control system. Using these components, Hamilton arranged for his petrol-electric railcars to be built by the St Louis Car Company, with the first being completed in 1924. It was the beginning of a highly successful series. Fuel costs were lower than for steam trains and initial costs were kept down by using standardized vehicles instead of designing for individual railways. Maintenance costs were minimized because Electro-Motive kept stocks of spare parts and supplied replacement units when necessary. As more powerful, 800 hp (600 kW) railcars were produced, railways tended to use them to haul trailer vehicles, although that practice reduced the fuel saving. By the end of the decade Electro-Motive needed engines more powerful still and therefore had to use cheap fuel. Diesel engines of the period, such as those that Winton had made for some years, were too heavy in relation to their power, and too slow and sluggish for rail use. Their fuel-injection system was erratic and insufficiently robust and Hamilton concluded that a separate injector was needed for each cylinder.
    In 1930 Electro-Motive Corporation and Winton were acquired by General Motors in pursuance of their aim to develop a diesel engine suitable for rail traction, with the use of unit fuel injectors; Hamilton retained his position as President. At this time, industrial depression had combined with road and air competition to undermine railway-passenger business, and Ralph Budd, President of the Chicago, Burlington \& Quincy Railroad, thought that traffic could be recovered by way of high-speed, luxury motor trains; hence the Pioneer Zephyr was built for the Burlington. This comprised a 600 hp (450 kW), lightweight, two-stroke, diesel engine developed by General Motors (model 201 A), with electric transmission, that powered a streamlined train of three articulated coaches. This train demonstrated its powers on 26 May 1934 by running non-stop from Denver to Chicago, a distance of 1,015 miles (1,635 km), in 13 hours and 6 minutes, when the fastest steam schedule was 26 hours. Hamilton and Budd were among those on board the train, and it ushered in an era of high-speed diesel trains in the USA. By then Hamilton, with General Motors backing, was planning to use the lightweight engine to power diesel-electric locomotives. Their layout was derived not from steam locomotives, but from the standard American boxcar. The power plant was mounted within the body and powered the bogies, and driver's cabs were at each end. Two 900 hp (670 kW) engines were mounted in a single car to become an 1,800 hp (l,340 kW) locomotive, which could be operated in multiple by a single driver to form a 3,600 hp (2,680 kW) locomotive. To keep costs down, standard locomotives could be mass-produced rather than needing individual designs for each railway, as with steam locomotives. Two units of this type were completed in 1935 and sent on trial throughout much of the USA. They were able to match steam locomotive performance, with considerable economies: fuel costs alone were halved and there was much less wear on the track. In the same year, Electro-Motive began manufacturing diesel-electrie locomotives at La Grange, Illinois, with design modifications: the driver was placed high up above a projecting nose, which improved visibility and provided protection in the event of collision on unguarded level crossings; six-wheeled bogies were introduced, to reduce axle loading and improve stability. The first production passenger locomotives emerged from La Grange in 1937, and by early 1939 seventy units were in service. Meanwhile, improved engines had been developed and were being made at La Grange, and late in 1939 a prototype, four-unit, 5,400 hp (4,000 kW) diesel-electric locomotive for freight trains was produced and sent out on test from coast to coast; production versions appeared late in 1940. After an interval from 1941 to 1943, when Electro-Motive produced diesel engines for military and naval use, locomotive production resumed in quantity in 1944, and within a few years diesel power replaced steam on most railways in the USA.
    Hal Hamilton remained President of Electro-Motive Corporation until 1942, when it became a division of General Motors, of which he became Vice-President.
    Further Reading
    P.M.Reck, 1948, On Time: The History of the Electro-Motive Division of General Motors Corporation, La Grange, Ill.: General Motors (describes Hamilton's career).

    Biographical history of technology > Hamilton, Harold Lee (Hal)

  • 11 Ilgner, Karl

    SUBJECT AREA: Electricity
    b. 27 July 1862 Neisse, Upper Silesia (now Nysa, Poland)
    d. 18 January 1921 Berthelsdorf, Silesia
    German electrical engineer, inventor of a transformer for electromotors.
    Ilgner graduated from the Gewerbeakademie (the forerunner of the Technical University) in Berlin. As the representative of an electric manufacturing company in Breslau (now Wroclaw, Poland) from 1897, he was confronted with the fact that there were no appropriate drives for hoisting-engines or rolling-plants in steelworks. Two problems prevented the use of high-capacity electric motors in the mining as well as in the iron and steel industry: the reactions of the motors on the circuit at the peak point of stress concentration; and the complicated handling of the control system which raised the risks regarding safety. Having previously been head of the department of electrical power transmission in Hannover, he was concerned with the development of low-speed direct-current motors powered by gas engines.
    It was Harry Ward Leonard's switchgear for direct-current motors (USA, 1891) that permitted sudden and exact changes in the speed and direction of rotation without causing power loss, as demonstrated in the driving of a rolling sidewalk at the Paris World Fair of 1900. Ilgner connected this switchgear to a large and heavy flywheel which accumulated the kinetic energy from the circuit in order to compensate shock loads. With this combination, electric motors did not need special circuits, which were still weak, because they were working continuously and were regulated individually, so that they could be used for driving hoisting-engines in mines, rolling-plants in steelworks or machinery for producing tools and paper. Ilgner thus made a notable advance in the general progress of electrification.
    His transformer for hoisting-engines was patented in 1901 and was commercially used inter alia by Siemens \& Halske of Berlin. Their first electrical hoisting-engine for the Zollern II/IV mine in Dortmund gained international reputation at the Düsseldorf exhibition of 1902, and is still preserved in situ in the original machine hall of the mine, which is now a national monument in Germany. Ilgner thereafter worked with several companies to pursue his conception, became a consulting engineer in Vienna and Breslau and had a government post after the First World War in Brussels and Berlin until he retired for health reasons in 1919.
    1901, DRP no. 138, 387 1903, "Der elektrische Antrieb von Reversier-Walzenstraßen", Stahl und Eisen 23:769– 71.
    Further Reading
    W.Kroker, "Karl Ilgner", Neue Deutsche Biographie, Vol. X, pp. 134–5. W.Philippi, 1924, Elektrizität im Bergbau, Leipzig (a general account).
    K.Warmbold, 1925, "Der Ilgner-Umformer in Förderanlagen", Kohle und Erz 22:1031–36 (a detailed description).

    Biographical history of technology > Ilgner, Karl

  • 12 мощный инструмент исследования

    Мощное средство / Мощный инструмент исследования-- The high speed test machine was demonstrated to be a powerful tool in studying metallurgy/lubrication interaction.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > мощный инструмент исследования

  • 13 мощное средство исследования

    Мощное средство / Мощный инструмент исследования-- The high speed test machine was demonstrated to be a powerful tool in studying metallurgy/lubrication interaction.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > мощное средство исследования

  • 14 мы покажем, что

    Мы покажем, что
     It will be demonstrated that typical lubricants exhibit plastic behavior in shear.
     It will be seen that there is an upper journal speed limit when oil delivery effectively ceases.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > мы покажем, что

  • 15 Brennan, Louis

    b. 28 January 1852 Castlebar, Ireland
    d. 17 January 1932 Montreux, Switzerland
    Irish inventor of the Brennan dirigible torpedo, and of a gyroscopically balanced monorail system.
    The Brennan family, including Louis, emigrated to Australia in 1861. He was an inventive genius from childhood, and while at Melbourne invented his torpedo. Within it were two drums, each with several miles of steel wire coiled upon it and mounted on one of two concentric propeller shafts. The propellers revolved in opposite directions. Wires were led out of the torpedo to winding drums on land, driven by high-speed steam engines: the faster the drums on shore were driven, the quicker the wires were withdrawn from the drums within the torpedo and the quicker the propellers turned. A steering device was operated by altering the speeds of the wires relative to one another. As finally developed, Brennan torpedoes were accurate over a range of 1 1/2 miles (2.4 km), in contrast to contemporary self-propelled torpedoes, which were unreliable at ranges over 400 yards (366 in).
    Brennan moved to England in 1880 and sold the rights to his torpedo to the British Government for a total of £110,000, probably the highest payment ever made by it to an individual inventor. Brennan torpedoes became part of the defences of many vital naval ports, but never saw active service: improvement of other means of defence meant they were withdrawn in 1906. By then Brennan was deeply involved in the development of his monorail. The need for a simple and cheap form of railway had been apparent to him when in Australia and he considered it could be met by a ground-level monorail upon which vehicles would be balanced by gyroscopes. After overcoming many manufacturing difficulties, he demonstrated first a one-eighth scale version and then a full-size, electrically driven vehicle, which ran on its single rail throughout the summer of 1910 in London, carrying up to fifty passengers at a time. Development had been supported financially by, successively, the War Office, the India Office and the Government of the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir, which had no rail access; despite all this, however, no further financial support, government or commercial, was forthcoming.
    Brennan made many other inventions, worked on the early development of helicopters and in 1929 built a gyroscopically balanced, two-wheeled motor car which, however, never went into production.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Companion of the Bath 1892.
    1878, British patent no. 3359 (torpedo) 1903, British patent no. 27212 (stability mechanisms).
    Further Reading
    R.E.Wilkes, 1973, Louis Brennan CB, 2 parts, Gillingham (Kent) Public Library. J.R.Day and B.C.Wilson, 1957, Unusual Railways, London: F.Muller.

    Biographical history of technology > Brennan, Louis

  • 16 Brown, Charles Eugene Lancelot

    b. 17 June 1863 Winterthur, Switzerland
    d. 2 May 1924 Montagnola, Italy
    English engineer who developed polyphase electrical generation and transmission plant.
    After attending the Technical College in Winterthur, Brown served with Emile Burgin in Basle before entering the Oerlikon engineering works near Zurich. Two years later he became Director of the electrical department of Oerlikon and from that time was involved in the development of electrical equipment for the generation and distribution of power. The Lauffen-Frankfurt 110-mile (177 km) transmission line of 1891 demonstrated the commercial feasibility of transmitting electrical power over great distances with three-phase alternating current. For this he designed a generator and early examples of oil-cooled transformers, and the scheme gave an impetus to the development of electric-power transmission throughout Europe. In 1891, in association with Walter Boveri, Brown founded the works of Brown Boveri \& Co. at Baden, Switzerland, and until his retirement in 1911 he devoted his energies to the design of polyphase alternating-current machinery. Important installations included the Frankfurt electricity works (1894), the Paderno-Milan transmission line, and the Lugano tramway of 1894, the first system in Europe to use three-phase traction motors. This tramway was followed by many other polyphase and mountain railways. The acquisition by Brown Boveri \& Co. in 1900 of the manufacturing rights of the Parsons steam turbine directed Brown's attention to problems associated with high-speed machines. Recognizing the high centrifugal stress involved, he began to employ solid cylindrical generator rotors with slots for the excitation winding, a method that has come to be universally adopted in large alternators.
    3 December 1901, British patent no. 24,632 (slotted rotor for alternators).
    Further Reading
    Obituary, 1924, The Engineer 137:543.
    Ake T.Vrenthem, 1980, Jonas Wenstrom and the Three Phase System, Stockholm, pp. 26–8 (obituary).
    75 Years of Brown Boveri, 1966, Baden, Switzerland (for a company history).

    Biographical history of technology > Brown, Charles Eugene Lancelot

  • 17 Davidson, Robert

    b. 18 April 1804 Aberdeen, Scotland
    d. 16 November 1894 Aberdeen, Scotland
    Scottish chemist, pioneer of electric power and builder of the first electric railway locomotives.
    Davidson, son of an Aberdeen merchant, attended Marischal College, Aberdeen, between 1819 and 1822: his studies included mathematics, mechanics and chemistry. He subsequently joined his father's grocery business, which from time to time received enquiries for yeast: to meet these, Davidson began to manufacture yeast for sale and from that start built up a successful chemical manufacturing business with the emphasis on yeast and dyes. About 1837 he started to experiment first with electric batteries and then with motors. He invented a form of electromagnetic engine in which soft iron bars arranged on the periphery of a wooden cylinder, parallel to its axis, around which the cylinder could rotate, were attracted by fixed electromagnets. These were energized in turn by current controlled by a simple commutaring device. Electric current was produced by his batteries. His activities were brought to the attention of Michael Faraday and to the scientific world in general by a letter from Professor Forbes of King's College, Aberdeen. Davidson declined to patent his inventions, believing that all should be able freely to draw advantage from them, and in order to afford an opportunity for all interested parties to inspect them an exhibition was held at 36 Union Street, Aberdeen, in October 1840 to demonstrate his "apparatus actuated by electro-magnetic power". It included: a model locomotive carriage, large enough to carry two people, that ran on a railway; a turning lathe with tools for visitors to use; and a small printing machine. In the spring of 1842 he put on a similar exhibition in Edinburgh, this time including a sawmill. Davidson sought support from railway companies for further experiments and the construction of an electromagnetic locomotive; the Edinburgh exhibition successfully attracted the attention of the proprietors of the Edinburgh 585\& Glasgow Railway (E \& GR), whose line had been opened in February 1842. Davidson built a full-size locomotive incorporating his principle, apparently at the expense of the railway company. The locomotive weighed 7 tons: each of its two axles carried a cylinder upon which were fastened three iron bars, and four electromagnets were arranged in pairs on each side of the cylinders. The motors he used were reluctance motors, the power source being zinc-iron batteries. It was named Galvani and was demonstrated on the E \& GR that autumn, when it achieved a speed of 4 mph (6.4 km/h) while hauling a load of 6 tons over a distance of 1 1/2 miles (2.4 km); it was the first electric locomotive. Nevertheless, further support from the railway company was not forthcoming, although to some railway workers the locomotive seems to have appeared promising enough: they destroyed it in Luddite reaction. Davidson staged a further exhibition in London in 1843 without result and then, the cost of battery chemicals being high, ceased further experiments of this type. He survived long enough to see the electric railway become truly practicable in the 1880s.
    1840, letter, Mechanics Magazine, 33:53–5 (comparing his machine with that of William Hannis Taylor (2 November 1839, British patent no. 8,255)).
    Further Reading
    1891, Electrical World, 17:454.
    J.H.R.Body, 1935, "A note on electro-magnetic engines", Transactions of the Newcomen Society 14:104 (describes Davidson's locomotive).
    F.J.G.Haut, 1956, "The early history of the electric locomotive", Transactions of the Newcomen Society 27 (describes Davidson's locomotive).
    A.F.Anderson, 1974, "Unusual electric machines", Electronics \& Power 14 (November) (biographical information).
    —1975, "Robert Davidson. Father of the electric locomotive", Proceedings of the Meeting on the History of Electrical Engineering Institution of Electrical Engineers, 8/1–8/17 (the most comprehensive account of Davidson's work).
    A.C.Davidson, 1976, "Ingenious Aberdonian", Scots Magazine (January) (details of his life).
    PJGR / GW

    Biographical history of technology > Davidson, Robert

  • 18 Holmes, Frederic Hale

    fl. 1850s–60s
    British engineer who pioneered the electrical illumination of lighthouses in Great Britain.
    An important application of the magneto generator was demonstrated by Holmes in 1853 when he showed that it might be used to supply an arc lamp. This had many implications for the future because it presented the possibility of making electric lighting economically successful. In 1856 he patented a machine with six disc armatures on a common axis rotating between seven banks of permanent magnets. The following year Holmes suggested the possible application of his invention to lighthouse illumination and a trial was arranged and observed by Faraday, who was at that time scientific adviser to Trinity House, the corporation entrusted with the care of light-houses in England and Wales. Although the trial was successful and gained the approval of Faraday, the Elder Brethren of Trinity House imposed strict conditions on Holmes's design for machines to be used for a more extensive trial. These included connecting the machine directly to a slow-speed steam engine, but this resulted in a reduced performance. The experiments of Holmes and Faraday were brought to the attention of the French lighthouse authorities and magneto generators manufactured by Société Alliance began to be installed in some lighthouses along the coast of France. After noticing the French commutatorless machines, Holmes produced an alternator of similar type in 1867. Two of these were constructed for a new lighthouse at Souter Point near Newcastle and two were installed in each of the two lighthouses at South Foreland. One of the machines from South Foreland that was in service from 1872 to 1922 is preserved in the Royal Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh. A Holmes generator is also preserved in the Science Museum, London. Holmes obtained a series of patents for generators between 1856 and 1869, with all but the last being of the magneto-electric type.
    7 March 1856, British patent no. 573 (the original patent for Holmes's invention).
    1863, "On magneto electricity and its application to lighthouse purposes", Journal of the Society of Arts 12:39–43.
    Further Reading
    W.J.King, 1962, in The Development of Electrical Technology in the 19th Century; Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution, Paper 30, pp. 351–63 (provides a detailed account of Holmes's generators).
    J.N.Douglas, 1879, "The electric light applied to lighthouse illumination", Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers 57(3):77–110 (describes trials of Holmes's machines).

    Biographical history of technology > Holmes, Frederic Hale

  • 19 Lippman, Gabriel

    b. 16 August 1845 Hallerick, Luxembourg
    d. 14 July 1921 at sea, in the North Atlantic
    French physicist who developed interference colour photography.
    Born of French parents, Lippman's work began with a distinguished career in classics, philosophy, mathematics and physics at the Ecole Normale in Luxembourg. After further studies in physics at Heidelberg University, he returned to France and the Sorbonne, where he was in 1886 appointed Director of Physics. He was a leading pioneer in France of research into electricity, optics, heat and other branches of physics.
    In 1886 he conceived the idea of recording the existence of standing waves in light when it is reflected back on itself, by photographing the colours so produced. This required the production of a photographic emulsion that was effectively grainless: the individual silver halide crystals had to be smaller than the shortest wavelength of light to be recorded. Lippman succeeded in this and in 1891 demonstrated his process. A glass plate was coated with a grainless emulsion and held in a special plate-holder, glass towards the lens. The back of the holder was filled with mercury, which provided a perfect reflector when in contact with the emulsion. The standing waves produced during the exposure formed laminae in the emulsion, with the number of laminae being determined by the wavelength of the incoming light at each point on the image. When the processed plate was viewed under the correct lighting conditions, a theoretically exact reproduction of the colours of the original subject could be seen. However, the Lippman process remained a beautiful scientific demonstration only, since the ultra-fine-grain emulsion was very slow, requiring exposure times of over 10,000 times that of conventional negative material. Any method of increasing the speed of the emulsion also increased the grain size and destroyed the conditions required for the process to work.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Royal Photographic Society Progress Medal 1897. Nobel Prize (for his work in interference colour photography) 1908.
    Further Reading
    J.S.Friedman, 1944, History of Colour Photography, Boston.
    Brian Coe, 1978, Colour Photography: The First Hundred Years, London. Gert Koshofer, 1981, Farbfotografie, Vol. I, Munich.

    Biographical history of technology > Lippman, Gabriel

  • 20 Murdock (Murdoch), William

    b. 21 August 1754 Cumnock, Ayrshire, Scotland
    d. 15 November 1839 Handsworth, Birmingham, England
    Scottish engineer and inventor, pioneer in coal-gas production.
    He was the third child and the eldest of three boys born to John Murdoch and Anna Bruce. His father, a millwright and joiner, spelled his name Murdock on moving to England. He was educated for some years at Old Cumnock Parish School and in 1777, with his father, he built a "wooden horse", supposed to have been a form of cycle. In 1777 he set out for the Soho manufactory of Boulton \& Watt, where he quickly found employment, Boulton supposedly being impressed by the lad's hat. This was oval and made of wood, and young William had turned it himself on a lathe of his own manufacture. Murdock quickly became Boulton \& Watt's representative in Cornwall, where there was a flourishing demand for steam-engines. He lived at Redruth during this period.
    It is said that a number of the inventions generally ascribed to James Watt are in fact as much due to Murdock as to Watt. Examples are the piston and slide valve and the sun-and-planet gearing. A number of other inventions are attributed to Murdock alone: typical of these is the oscillating cylinder engine which obviated the need for an overhead beam.
    In about 1784 he planned a steam-driven road carriage of which he made a working model. He also planned a high-pressure non-condensing engine. The model carriage was demonstrated before Murdock's friends and travelled at a speed of 6–8 mph (10–13 km/h). Boulton and Watt were both antagonistic to their employees' developing independent inventions, and when in 1786 Murdock set out with his model for the Patent Office, having received no reply to a letter he had sent to Watt, Boulton intercepted him on the open road near Exeter and dissuaded him from going any further.
    In 1785 he married Mary Painter, daughter of a mine captain. She bore him four children, two of whom died in infancy, those surviving eventually joining their father at the Soho Works. Murdock was a great believer in pneumatic power: he had a pneumatic bell-push at Sycamore House, his home near Soho. The pattern-makers lathe at the Soho Works worked for thirty-five years from an air motor. He also conceived the idea of a vacuum piston engine to exhaust a pipe, later developed by the London Pneumatic Despatch Company's railway and the forerunner of the atmospheric railway.
    Another field in which Murdock was a pioneer was the gas industry. In 1791, in Redruth, he was experimenting with different feedstocks in his home-cum-office in Cross Street: of wood, peat and coal, he preferred the last. He designed and built in the backyard of his house a prototype generator, washer, storage and distribution plant, and publicized the efficiency of coal gas as an illuminant by using it to light his own home. In 1794 or 1795 he informed Boulton and Watt of his experimental work and of its success, suggesting that a patent should be applied for. James Watt Junior was now in the firm and was against patenting the idea since they had had so much trouble with previous patents and had been involved in so much litigation. He refused Murdock's request and for a short time Murdock left the firm to go home to his father's mill. Boulton \& Watt soon recognized the loss of a valuable servant and, in a short time, he was again employed at Soho, now as Engineer and Superintendent at the increased salary of £300 per year plus a 1 per cent commission. From this income, he left £14,000 when he died in 1839.
    In 1798 the workshops of Boulton and Watt were permanently lit by gas, starting with the foundry building. The 180 ft (55 m) façade of the Soho works was illuminated by gas for the Peace of Paris in June 1814. By 1804, Murdock had brought his apparatus to a point where Boulton \& Watt were able to canvas for orders. Murdock continued with the company after the death of James Watt in 1819, but retired in 1830 and continued to live at Sycamore House, Handsworth, near Birmingham.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Royal Society Rumford Gold Medal 1808.
    Further Reading
    S.Smiles, 1861, Lives of the Engineers, Vol. IV: Boulton and Watt, London: John Murray.
    H.W.Dickinson and R.Jenkins, 1927, James Watt and the Steam Engine, Oxford: Clarendon Press.
    J.A.McCash, 1966, "William Murdoch. Faithful servant" in E.G.Semler (ed.), The Great Masters. Engineering Heritage, Vol. II, London: Institution of Mechanical Engineers/Heinemann.

    Biographical history of technology > Murdock (Murdoch), William

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